Upper cervical chiropractors in Draper have been helping patients get significant relief from their vertigo symptoms.

People recently diagnosed with vertigo have a healthy appetite for learning the surrounding facts about their symptoms. The Internet can help you learn about a lot of subjects. On the other hand, you may also be facing a lot of misconceptions about vertigo in particular.

For this reason, we are going to take a more in-depth look into the seven facts about vertigo that patients need to know. Also, we will introduce a natural form of care that can help give you hope and encourage you to move towards your journey of healing and vertigo relief.

Be ready to say goodbye to those crippling and recurring vertigo attacks.

Fact #1: Vertigo And Lightheadedness Are Very Different

Lightheadedness is just a sensation that you are going to faint. It is a fleeting moment to feel. On the other hand, vertigo is a false feeling of movement with a rotational element to it. This sensation can last for quite a while. These two terms are often understood as almost the same thing and often lumped together under the term dizziness. They are both entirely different. 

Remember when you were a kid, and you would spin around many times while playing a game called pin the tail on the donkey? When you stopped turning, you had that strange feeling of still being spun? For a few more seconds, perhaps even a few minutes, it felt like everything again whirled around you.

That’s how vertigo feels. As a grown-up, you probably never gave yourself vertigo deliberately. However, depending on the root cause of your vertigo attacks, even a slight head movement can start making your world seem to spin out of control.

Fact #2: The Movie Vertigo Had Nothing to Do with the Condition

The main character of the classic and famous Alfred Hitchcock film suffered from a fear of heights. However, the film and the character’s condition had nothing to do with vertigo. The fear of heights is called acrophobia. While it is true that you may experience dizziness or vertigo while you are very high off the ground, the false sensation of movement is entirely different from an irrational and unfounded fear of heights.

Fact #3: Vertigo Is Just a Symptom

Vertigo is not a disease. It is just a symptom. Does this sound absurd to you? Various conditions can cause vertigo. For example, there are numerous people with migraines who experience vertigo as one of their main symptoms. Vestibular migraines, a specific subtype of migraine, cause a vestibular symptom such as vertigo. 

Most causes of vertigo are not severe, except if it’s a warning sign that signifies heart disease. Remember, if you are experiencing vertigo along with any other symptoms of a heart attack, seek immediate medical care. If you think you are about to have a heart attack. Please do not delay. Call for emergency help immediately.

Fact #4: Sometimes Vertigo Goes Away on Its Own

It is comforting to know that vertigo can go away on its own in some cases. In most cases, people often don’t know what caused their episode of vertigo. 

Numerous people never look for vertigo relief unless it made them take a fall, and they suffered an injury from it. On the other hand, if you experience vertigo attacks regularly, even if they seem rather harmless, it is a good thing to try and identify what caused your bouts of vertigo for your own good. 

It only takes one bad episode of vertigo that happens at the wrong time to cause a dangerous fall and injury. Don’t wait for that incident to happen. Take precautionary measures and seek help from medical professionals. Upper cervical chiropractors in Draper are ready to help you experience long-term vertigo relief.

Fact #5: Vertigo Has Home Remedies Available

There are some home remedies to help you with your vertigo attacks before you start committing to taking prescription medicines or even doing a drastic surgery as a last resort. 

For example, if you discover that your vertigo attack only occurs when you bend over (this is common among the elderly), you can opt to have a tool to help you get things and prevent yourself from bending over. Such a situation is inexpensive, and it will help you avoid a fall. 

If you get bouts of vertigo in the mornings after you get out of bed, try to get up very slowly next time. What’s the difference? When you dart from a specific position to the next one, the body also suddenly increases blood pressure. However, if something in your central nervous system keeps that from happening, vertigo becomes the result. The natural remedy is to sit up slowly and then stand up slowly.

Fact #6: Vertigo Can Lead to Serious Injury or Death

Experiencing vertigo by itself is not considered life-threatening. However, it is responsible for many falls, especially experienced by senior citizens. Sometimes, an elderly would bend down to pick something up, suddenly he or she experiences a bout of vertigo, falls, and proceeds to break a hip or a shoulder. Imagine what would happen if a person is driving a car at night all alone, and then suddenly, a vertigo attack happens. 

It is crucial to get immediate medical care if your vertigo episodes happen suddenly and regularly, most especially if the intensity is severe. 

Finally, if your vertigo attacks are related to a high quantity of fluid inside your ear, the doctor may recommend a low-salt diet. Salt helps allow the body to retain fluids. Therefore, keeping your salt intake low can also help lessen the extra fluid in your ears.

Fact #7: Upper Cervical Chiropractors Have Much Success Caring for Vertigo Patients 

Upper cervical chiropractic is a niche within chiropractic medicine. It deals explicitly with the atlas (C1) and axis (C2) vertebrae at the top of the neck. It uses diagnostic imaging to get accurate measurements of the upper cervical spine. If misalignments exist in the area, then chiropractors will perform adjustments.

What does the neck have to do with your vertigo attacks? The top bones (atlas and axis vertebrae) of the spine are near the brainstem, vestibular nerve, and the ears. If any misalignment disrupts any of these parts, then chronic vertigo attacks can be the result. A case study revealed that up to 80% of patients had vertigo resolution thanks to upper cervical chiropractic care.

If you regularly experience vertigo attacks, we encourage you to come to see us at the Source Chiropractic and Wellness in Utah. Our upper cervical chiropractors in Draper will help you get positive long-lasting results through our safe, gentle, and precise approach. Call us at 385-237-3110 or answer our form to schedule your first appointment with us.


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