7 02, 2021

Finding Hope When You Have Meniere’s Disease


A few years ago, not a lot of people knew about Meniere’s Disease. Some quickly dismiss symptoms like ear congestion, vertigo episodes,  and tinnitus as signs of other ailments or as separate health problems. Many had to suffer in silence, not knowing how they can find relief. Fast forward today, we see a different scenario.  [...]

Finding Hope When You Have Meniere’s Disease2023-10-27T09:14:23+00:00
17 01, 2021

Chiropractor in Draper Explains How Neck Pain Works


Do you wake up each morning with neck pain and struggle with it throughout the day? If so, you will be happy to learn about a natural way to deal with chronic neck issues. But before introducing this alternative therapy, it is important to understand how neck pain works. This will allow you to better [...]

Chiropractor in Draper Explains How Neck Pain Works2023-10-27T09:16:19+00:00
15 11, 2020

Draper Upper Cervical Chiropractic Explains 6 Painful Migraine Symptoms


Migraine attacks can be disheartening to have each month, especially if you have the debilitating symptoms we listed below. Are you familiar with these symptoms or indicators? If not, we might be able to shed light on them so you can better manage your attacks and lessen the impacts of your migraine symptoms on your [...]

Draper Upper Cervical Chiropractic Explains 6 Painful Migraine Symptoms2023-10-27T09:17:01+00:00
1 11, 2020

3 Ways to Get Neck Pain Relief for Outdoor Junkies


From time to time, a chiropractor in Draper, Utah would have hands full of people begging for help with their neck pain. Many of these people are outdoor adventure junkies who just took a risk too far or got carried away by their adrenaline fix. Utah’s rugged but beautiful outdoors attract hundreds of people from [...]

3 Ways to Get Neck Pain Relief for Outdoor Junkies2023-10-27T09:14:52+00:00
21 09, 2020

Want to Enjoy Lasting Peripheral or Central Vertigo Relief in Draper Utah? Here’s How


Do you keep experiencing spinning sensations? Well, then it's about time you learn about the two main types of vertigo: peripheral and central vertigo. As your go-to source of vertigo relief in Draper Utah, Source Chiropractic and Wellness hope to explain the differences between central and peripheral vertigo. Also, we tackled a potentially life-changing vertigo [...]

Want to Enjoy Lasting Peripheral or Central Vertigo Relief in Draper Utah? Here’s How2023-10-27T09:17:22+00:00
2 08, 2020

How To Deal With These Ten Migraine Triggers Naturally


People are so happy to get migraine relief in Draper. Who wouldn’t? Migraines can be one of the most incapacitating conditions today. At least 39 million Americans and over a billion worldwide suffer from this crippling illness. As a result, it is the third most widespread condition globally. People with migraines are already familiar with [...]

How To Deal With These Ten Migraine Triggers Naturally2023-10-27T09:36:08+00:00
20 07, 2020

Draper Upper Cervical Chiropractic Explains 4 Conditions Linked with Fibromyalgia


Dealing with fibromyalgia can be physically, mentally, and emotionally taxing. It can also increase risks for various health concerns such as general anxiety disorder, clinical depression, tension headaches, and irritable bowel syndrome. Let's help you learn about these four conditions so you can understand how to move forward and know how Draper Upper Cervical Chiropractic [...]

Draper Upper Cervical Chiropractic Explains 4 Conditions Linked with Fibromyalgia2023-10-27T09:37:26+00:00
18 05, 2020

Neck Pain, Migraine and Upper Cervical Care in Draper


Many migraine sufferers are not aware that they have neck pain or that their achy necks indicate one of the many possible root causes of their misery. Let us help you learn everything you must know about neck pain and its connection to migraine attacks in our infographics below. Also, we will let you in [...]

Neck Pain, Migraine and Upper Cervical Care in Draper2023-10-27T09:37:52+00:00
3 05, 2020

7 Critical Facts About Vertigo Exposed


Upper cervical chiropractors in Draper have been helping patients get significant relief from their vertigo symptoms. People recently diagnosed with vertigo have a healthy appetite for learning the surrounding facts about their symptoms. The Internet can help you learn about a lot of subjects. On the other hand, you may also be facing a lot [...]

7 Critical Facts About Vertigo Exposed2023-10-27T09:36:36+00:00
16 03, 2020

Achieve Silent Migraine Relief in Draper Utah By Reading These Facts


Silent migraines can be upsetting, even when they don't cause significant pain due to headaches. Thankfully, you have several options to try including upper cervical chiropractic care. Are you familiar with this remedy? If not, we suggest reading on! We have rounded up everything you need to know about silent migraine attacks so you can [...]

Achieve Silent Migraine Relief in Draper Utah By Reading These Facts2023-10-27T09:37:56+00:00
23 02, 2020

Fibromyalgia: Why Does It Hurt? Can It Be Fixed?


Before anything else, what is fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia (FM) is a condition known to affect the bones and muscles. Unfortunately, it is widely misdiagnosed and misunderstood. Fibromyalgia patients often deal with extensive joint and muscle pain combined with fatigue. More women have it than men. However, FM can happen to anyone, from all walks of life. [...]

Fibromyalgia: Why Does It Hurt? Can It Be Fixed?2023-10-27T09:24:54+00:00
12 01, 2020

Essential Oils for Vertigo Relief Listed by a Draper Upper Cervical Chiropractor


Spinning sensations or vertigo attacks are quite common. And they can cause significant disruptions to your day-to-day life. Thankfully, you can lessen the impact of your vertigo episodes with aromatherapy and essential oils. If you are suffering from recurring spinning sensations, our quick list of vertigo essential oils might be of help to you. We [...]

Essential Oils for Vertigo Relief Listed by a Draper Upper Cervical Chiropractor2023-10-27T09:43:50+00:00
1 12, 2019

The Top Five Neck Pain Causes


People who have neck pain and are looking for Draper upper cervical chiropractors often contact my office in search of hope and relief for their condition. Neck pain is a common problem that can arise from a variety of causes. The good news is that I can help with many of these neck pain cases.   [...]

The Top Five Neck Pain Causes2023-10-27T09:45:11+00:00
3 11, 2019

Migraine Facts You Probably Don’t Know


I’ve been a Draper upper cervical chiropractor for many years now, and I’ve dealt with numerous migraine cases. The common notion with this condition is that migraines are just severe headaches. The reality, however, is far from that.   Migraines are neurological in nature. They come in phases, and the pain levels vary from mild to [...]

Migraine Facts You Probably Don’t Know2023-10-27T09:44:56+00:00
6 10, 2019

Is Vertigo a Disease? Vertigo Questions Answered


Part of my job as an upper cervical chiropractor in Utah is helping relieve vertigo and answering questions that patients have about their vestibular conditions. Vertigo is a relatively common symptom, afflicting as many as 69 million people in the United States. However, it remains a puzzling topic for most people.  Vertigo is the main [...]

Is Vertigo a Disease? Vertigo Questions Answered2023-10-27T09:45:37+00:00
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