1 09, 2019

Central Sensitization: What Is Its Role in Fibromyalgia?


I’ve seen a great number of patients coming to my fibromyalgia chiropractic clinic in Draper, UT to find help and better understand their condition. Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder that involves many other symptoms. Some of the indicators are sensory sensitivity, impaired cognitive function, headaches or migraines, and depression. These signs and symptoms have [...]

Central Sensitization: What Is Its Role in Fibromyalgia?2023-10-27T09:52:43+00:00
4 08, 2019

Nagging Neck Pain: 10 DO’s and DON’Ts


Nearly all of us have likely experienced neck pain at least once in our lives. It may be a temporary problem for some, but for others, it is something they have to live with for a very long time. Having a neck pain chiropractic clinic in Utah, we have seen tons of cases of nagging [...]

Nagging Neck Pain: 10 DO’s and DON’Ts2023-10-27T09:53:26+00:00
30 06, 2019

Migraine 101: Answers to Common Migraine Questions


Have you ever endured an excruciating headache lasting for many hours or even days? What you have experienced might be a migraine. Ranked as the third most prevalent illness in the world, migraines are a neurological condition that is very common everywhere. It affects as many as 39 million Americans and 1 billion people worldwide. [...]

Migraine 101: Answers to Common Migraine Questions2023-10-27T09:54:04+00:00
2 06, 2019

Living with Meniere’s Disease: Tips for Coping


Experiencing the vertigo episodes of Meniere’s disease can be scary. Your world may feel like it’s spinning without warning, and the sensation is beyond your control. You lose your sense of balance and sometimes, even your hearing. To help you gain a deeper understanding of the condition, Source Chiropractic and Wellness is here to discuss [...]

Living with Meniere’s Disease: Tips for Coping2023-10-27T09:55:06+00:00
5 05, 2019

What Causes Fibromyalgia to Flare Up? Top 10 Causes


Fibromyalgia is a severe pain illness that varies in intensity for every person. It has been referred to as a "pain amplification syndrome," meaning that people who live with the condition feel pain differently than those without it. Fibromyalgia often displays the following symptoms: Fatigue that prevents daily activities Extensive muscular pain Sleep disturbances Cognitive [...]

What Causes Fibromyalgia to Flare Up? Top 10 Causes2023-10-27T10:03:08+00:00
7 04, 2019

Removing the Mystery Shrouding Neck Pain in Draper, Utah


Neck pain is such a common condition, why is there so much misinformation out there? Rather than spending time discussing how false information gets spread, let’s take a few minutes to correct some of the things we have read around the Internet. We will conclude by providing you with a safe and effective way to [...]

Removing the Mystery Shrouding Neck Pain in Draper, Utah2023-10-27T10:03:41+00:00
3 03, 2019

Four Phases of a Migraine and One Effective Treatment


A common misconception is that a migraine is just a really bad headache. In fact, a migraine is actually a neurological condition. The bad headache that accompanies a migraine is just one symptom. It’s a symptom that doesn’t even have to be present for a migraine to occur. A migraine episode lasts longer than the [...]

Four Phases of a Migraine and One Effective Treatment2023-10-27T10:03:53+00:00
3 02, 2019

Vertigo Spotlight: What is Meniere’s Disease and How Can I Find Relief?


Meniere’s disease, characterized by abnormal inner ear function, is one of the worst known vertigo-causing health conditions.  This ailment was first described back in 1861 by a French physician, Prosper Meniere, for which the disease is now named. Meniere’s disease typically affects one ear, can cause pressure, pain, hearing loss, ringing in the ear, and [...]

Vertigo Spotlight: What is Meniere’s Disease and How Can I Find Relief?2023-10-27T10:05:36+00:00
6 01, 2019

Fibromyalgia Flares: Reducing Your Triggers and Finding Lasting Relief


If you live with fibromyalgia, chances are you’re familiar with the potential for flares, or increases in symptoms that can feel like they come on out of the blue. Fibromyalgia Traits Part of the characteristic of fibromyalgia is a variety of symptoms that come and go each day. Some days, on the whole, might be [...]

Fibromyalgia Flares: Reducing Your Triggers and Finding Lasting Relief2023-10-27T10:11:59+00:00
2 12, 2018

Resolving Neck Pain by Correcting Posture in Draper, Utah


Neck pain is extremely common, as just about everyone has a bout of it at one time or another. Something that may not have occurred to you is that neck pain can be directly connected to your posture. With today’s heavy use of electronic devices and computer jobs consisting of sitting and looking at a [...]

Resolving Neck Pain by Correcting Posture in Draper, Utah2023-10-27T10:12:37+00:00
4 11, 2018

Connection Found Between Heart Health Conditions and Migraines


Migraines are a common and extreme neurological condition that affects about 1 in 4 households in the United States. Commonly thought to be just a really bad headache, a migraine is more complex than that. Migraine Symptoms Migraine symptoms range beyond a debilitating headache and can include nausea and vomiting, dizziness, disturbed vision, and extreme [...]

Connection Found Between Heart Health Conditions and Migraines2023-10-27T10:13:04+00:00
7 10, 2018

Vertigo Facts and Ways to Find Easy Solutions


Vertigo symptoms can be difficult to describe, but one example is the sensation that the world is spinning around you when, in fact, the environment around you is perfectly still. A popular movie from a few years ago represented vertigo as a fear of heights, which is far from an accurate association. While the symptom [...]

Vertigo Facts and Ways to Find Easy Solutions2023-10-27T10:13:16+00:00
2 09, 2018

Reducing Risk Factors and Increasing Health for Fibromyalgia Sufferers


When you live with a chronic pain condition such as fibromyalgia, it can start to wear you down both physically and emotionally.  Fibromyalgia presents an especially difficult road for some people since there is still a lot that remains to be understood about the condition.  Diagnosis can be a long and arduous process since the [...]

Reducing Risk Factors and Increasing Health for Fibromyalgia Sufferers2023-10-27T10:53:12+00:00
5 08, 2018

Neck Pain: How to Help Alleviate It


Neck pain is a very common health problem. The health of your neck is directly related to your overall wellbeing in a number of ways. Our necks take a lot of abuse over the years. As many as 70 percent of people in the US have significant neck pain at some point during their lifetime. [...]

Neck Pain: How to Help Alleviate It2023-10-27T10:52:10+00:00
1 07, 2018

Migraines May Actually Come from the Neck, Not the Head


Interestingly, JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association) stated years ago that headaches and migraines actually come from a problem with the neck, not from in the head where the pain is located. If you have ever had a migraine, the last thing on your mind when you are going through it is where [...]

Migraines May Actually Come from the Neck, Not the Head2023-10-27T10:51:18+00:00
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