3 06, 2018

Vertigo Linked to Improper Alignment of the Upper Cervical Spine


Vertigo is the sensation that you or the things around you are spinning about. In fact, the word vertigo comes from the Latin “vertere” meaning to turn and the suffix “igo” meaning a condition of turning about. How Vertigo Differs With Dizziness Vertigo is different from but related to dizziness, lightheadedness, and unsteadiness. In this [...]

Vertigo Linked to Improper Alignment of the Upper Cervical Spine2023-10-27T10:53:42+00:00
6 05, 2018

Facts About Chronic Fatigue Syndrome You May Not Know


Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a condition that is little understood and very complex. It is mostly known for causing its sufferers to have extreme fatigue that does not improve no matter how much rest or sleep you get. This fatigue is not related to any underlying medical condition. Many people, as many as 1 [...]

Facts About Chronic Fatigue Syndrome You May Not Know2023-10-27T10:54:36+00:00
1 04, 2018

Keeping Neck Pain at Bay in Draper, UT


Explaining Neck Pain and the Anatomy of the Neck Neck pain is defined as any type of pain that occurs in the neck -- from the base of the skull to the tops of the shoulders. It may spread as far as your arms or upper back.  You may be unable to move your head [...]

Keeping Neck Pain at Bay in Draper, UT2023-10-27T10:57:45+00:00
4 03, 2018

Migraines Can Be Helped by Getting a Good Night’s Sleep


Migraine Information Migraines are known for intense throbbing and pounding head pain, often on only one side of the head. They are most often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light, loud noise, and some odors. They can last for a few days or just a few hours. The pain can cause you to [...]

Migraines Can Be Helped by Getting a Good Night’s Sleep2023-10-27T11:10:47+00:00
5 02, 2018

Dizziness Associated with Fibromyalgia — How to Get Control


It is often seen in those with fibromyalgia that dizziness accompanies it. Let’s take a closer look at why this may be the case and then discuss a simple, effective, and proven way to care for it. What is Dizziness? Dizziness is used to describe a variety of different sensations ranging from feeling like you [...]

Dizziness Associated with Fibromyalgia — How to Get Control2023-10-27T10:58:41+00:00
7 01, 2018

Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue — a Similar Root Cause and Relief


Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue are not the same condition. However, they can be triggered by the same problem, and they often co-exist together. In fact, one of the symptoms of fibromyalgia is extreme fatigue. Both of these conditions amplify symptoms in the person suffering from them.   Are Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Really the Same [...]

Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue — a Similar Root Cause and Relief2023-10-27T10:59:12+00:00
3 12, 2017

Neck Pain Linked to Smoking — Another Good Reason to Quit


Most of us recognize that smoking is not good for the body or overall health. There is quite a long list of reasons to convince you not to smoke. However, here is one you may not be familiar with. A recent study has linked smoking and degenerative disc disease in the cervical spine. This research [...]

Neck Pain Linked to Smoking — Another Good Reason to Quit2023-10-27T11:18:46+00:00
5 11, 2017

Menacing Migraines in Detail and How to Get Some Relief


Migraines can really sap your energy and leave you disabled for days afterward. This condition is endemic in the times we are living in. The International Headache Society has certain criteria which must be met to classify head pain as migraines and tension headaches. Using this as a basis, the number of adults who have [...]

Menacing Migraines in Detail and How to Get Some Relief2023-10-27T11:19:37+00:00
1 10, 2017

Meniere’s Disease: See How Easily You Can Get Relief


Meniere’s disease is a chronic inner ear (vestibular) condition. In 1861, French doctor Prosper Meniere had a theory that attacks of vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss were coming from a problem in the inner ear rather than from the brain, as was currently thought. Once his idea was propagated and had become more widely accepted, [...]

Meniere’s Disease: See How Easily You Can Get Relief2023-10-27T11:20:15+00:00
3 09, 2017

Fibromyalgia: Can Your Nerves Be the Problem?


Fibromyalgia can be an elusive disorder.  It is characterized by diffuse, achy pain that is widespread and may worsen with excess strain or fatigue. Other Symptoms of Fibromyalgia A variety of other symptoms can accompany the pain.  These include: Difficulty concentrating, or a mental cloudiness sometimes referred to as "fibro-fog" Extreme fatigue that is not [...]

Fibromyalgia: Can Your Nerves Be the Problem?2023-10-27T11:22:37+00:00
13 08, 2017

Natural Relief for Meniere’s Disease Sufferers in Draper, UT


What is Meniere's Disease? Meniere's disease, a disorder of the inner ear, causes a set of symptoms that includes tinnitus (ringing in the ear), hearing loss that comes and goes, and severe vertigo.  Vertigo can disrupt almost every area of life, particularly tasks that involve movement.  This makes day-to-day tasks like going to the grocery [...]

Natural Relief for Meniere’s Disease Sufferers in Draper, UT2023-10-27T11:25:50+00:00
6 08, 2017

Neck Pain – Why Does It Happen and How to Find Relief


Approximately 15% of those in the USA – or 46 million Americans – suffer from neck pain, and it can be disabling for some. No matter how bad your neck pain is, it is important to seek the proper care for it as it should not be occurring. So, what causes it to happen? Conditions [...]

Neck Pain – Why Does It Happen and How to Find Relief2023-10-27T11:24:27+00:00
9 07, 2017

Finding a Natural Way to Relieve Neck Pain


Neck pain is very common. In fact, more than 25% of people are said to suffer from neck pain, and it ranks as the third most common chronic pain condition in the USA. One may wonder: Why does neck pain happen? What can be done to alleviate it? We will discuss the answer to both [...]

Finding a Natural Way to Relieve Neck Pain2023-10-27T11:29:34+00:00
2 07, 2017

Approaching Migraine Treatment Naturally in Draper, UT


Migraines are terrible.  Depending on their severity, they have the potential to ruin someone's day, week, or even month.  Approaches to migraine relief can generally be placed into two categories. Types of Migraine Relief On the spot relief care after the pain begins – these include medications such as painkillers and anti-nausea drugs.  More natural [...]

Approaching Migraine Treatment Naturally in Draper, UT2023-10-27T11:31:35+00:00
25 06, 2017

The Impact of Migraines – Beyond the Pain


Migraines can rob one of time spent with family and friends, limit recreational and social activities, and diminish quality of life. In America, 18% of women, 6% of men, and 10% of children experience migraines, while 12% of adults overall have at least occasional migraines. What are some common migraine symptoms? Nausea and possible vomiting [...]

The Impact of Migraines – Beyond the Pain2023-10-27T11:47:17+00:00
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