28 10, 2016

Different Headache Types and How to Find Relief


Most people have experienced a headache at one time or another. However, it may be surprising to learn that there is more than one kind of a headache. Knowing which one a person has can help him or her to better cope with it by using the appropriate means. Common Headache Types Here are some [...]

Different Headache Types and How to Find Relief2023-10-27T12:31:51+00:00
7 10, 2016

Women and Fibromyalgia


Be diagnosed with a chronic health condition such as fibromyalgia can be difficult to handle.  This is especially true since there has traditionally been so much mystery surrounding fibromyalgia and why it develops in the first place.  Fibromyalgia sufferers deal with generalized tenderness and aching of the body, muscle stiffness, fatigue, and sleep problems. Symptoms [...]

Women and Fibromyalgia2023-10-27T12:32:10+00:00
30 09, 2016

Helping Children with Fibromyalgia Face the New School Year


Fibromyalgia is a tough diagnosis for any person, but it can be particularly difficult for a child to deal with. A young person may not completely understand why he is dealing with chronic pain, and that is understandable since most doctors are baffled by this condition. Plus, kids at school can be rough on a [...]

Helping Children with Fibromyalgia Face the New School Year2023-10-27T12:32:52+00:00
23 09, 2016

Vertigo – The Primary Symptom of Meniere’s Disease


Vertigo Overview Vertigo is a term that patients often use to describe the feeling that the world is spinning around them. This condition is actually one of the primary symptoms associated with a rare condition known as Meniere’s disease. However, whether vertigo is a part of a condition or is being experienced by itself, there [...]

Vertigo – The Primary Symptom of Meniere’s Disease2023-10-27T12:35:44+00:00
16 09, 2016

Neck Pain – How Upper Cervical Chiropractic Can Help


Neck pain can be caused by a number of things. Sometimes, it is as simple as a knot in a muscle of the neck and may be alleviated by putting ice on it. However, there can be more serious reasons for neck pain. Causes of Neck Pain Degenerative disc disease: If an injury occurs to [...]

Neck Pain – How Upper Cervical Chiropractic Can Help2023-10-27T12:44:14+00:00
9 09, 2016

Various Ways to Help Alleviate Migraine Pain


All that a person experiencing a migraine can think about is how to get rid of it quickly. Often, people try over-the-counter or prescription medication. While this may provide temporary relief, it does not address the underlying cause of migraines. This means they will likely occur again. Managing Migraines Here are a few ways that [...]

Various Ways to Help Alleviate Migraine Pain2023-10-27T12:44:28+00:00
26 08, 2016

Case Study Reveals Fibromyalgia Resolution After Upper Cervical Care


Fibromyalgia can be a debilitating condition that results in the rapid decline of a patient’s health and vitality. Before long, depression may set in as a result of the sudden life change. This just makes matters worse for someone who is in constant pain. However, there may be a light at the end of the [...]

Case Study Reveals Fibromyalgia Resolution After Upper Cervical Care2023-10-27T12:44:47+00:00
19 08, 2016

Vertigo Case Studies Show Benefits of Upper Cervical Care


Vertigo is a common health condition that becomes even more common as a person ages. It involves the sensation of movement when no movement is present or the incorrect perception of movement. Think back to when you were little and played Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Spinning blindfolded induces vertigo which makes it more [...]

Vertigo Case Studies Show Benefits of Upper Cervical Care2023-10-27T12:46:44+00:00
12 08, 2016

Fibromyalgia Study Reveals Reason for Difficult Diagnosis


Fibromyalgia is a tough condition for practitioners to diagnose. First of all, there is no precise blood or genetic test that can conclusively show a person has the condition. Because of this, and the fact that symptoms can be part of numerous other disorders, it becomes a guessing game of ruling out various other health [...]

Fibromyalgia Study Reveals Reason for Difficult Diagnosis2023-10-27T12:47:00+00:00
8 08, 2016

New Ways to Treat Whiplash in Draper Utah


Most people think whiplash is something that only happens after a person is involved in a serious car accident, but the truth is the condition can be caused by many different accidents, and the effects can stay with a person for a long time. The condition is characterized by injuries to the neck - notably [...]

New Ways to Treat Whiplash in Draper Utah2023-10-27T12:47:17+00:00
1 08, 2016

The Source of Neck Pain


Most people experience neck pain at one time or another. When it happens, a person may wonder what caused it? He may not recall doing anything to bring it on. It is important to understand why neck pain happens in order to avoid it in the future. There are a number of things that can [...]

The Source of Neck Pain2023-10-27T12:52:37+00:00
25 07, 2016

Migraines in Women—Why More Common?


Facts About Migraines While migraines affect both genders, women are more likely to suffer from the condition. Thirty-seven million Americans complain of migraines. Out of that number, 27 million are women. Not only are women more likely to have migraines, episodes last longer and are reportedly more chronic than reported in men. Research has shown [...]

Migraines in Women—Why More Common?2023-10-27T12:52:53+00:00
18 07, 2016

Relief of Vertigo in Draper Utah without Drugs


What is BPPV? Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the most common form of vertigo experienced by people. It is more common for women than men. The likelihood of occurrence increases with age, especially after age 50. Head injuries increase the risk for BPPV. Fortunately, BPPV is very rarely life-threatening. The exception would be when [...]

Relief of Vertigo in Draper Utah without Drugs2023-10-27T12:53:11+00:00
7 07, 2016

Natural Relief of Migraines in Draper Utah


Migraines are a terrible and extremely common neurological condition.  Everyone knows someone who suffers from them.  What many people might not realize is that migraines are more than just a really bad headache.  Migraines can be an incapacitating combination of symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, vision changes, and extreme sensitivity to smell, sound, and light. It [...]

Natural Relief of Migraines in Draper Utah2023-10-27T12:53:33+00:00
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