migraine chiropractor in Draper, Draper Chiropractor, Chiropractor in Draper Utah, Draper UT Chiropractic

The sun peeks over Lone Peak, painting the Draper sky in hues of orange and pink. But instead of waking up to the beauty of another Utah morning, you’re met with the familiar dread of a throbbing pain behind your eyes. The light feels like a spotlight, the usual sounds of the house grating, and even the smell of coffee brewing turns your stomach. It’s a migraine, and it’s hijacked yet another day.

If this feels like a recurring nightmare, you’re not dreaming. Many who seek our migraine chiropractor in Draper Utah share this struggle, quietly battling the relentless cycle of persistent migraines. They know the frustration of canceling plans, the difficulty of focusing at work, and the isolation of missing out on the activities they once loved. It’s more than a headache; it’s a thief, robbing you of the joy and vitality that life in Draper has to offer.

But what if this wasn’t your destiny? What if there’s a path out of the darkness and back into the light? What if, by understanding the unique factors contributing to your migraines – from the altitude shifts to the dry climate – you could finally unlock the door to lasting migraine relief in Draper, UT?


Key Takeaways: Persistent Migraines and the Role of a Chiropractor in Draper UT in Unlocking Lasting Relief

  • Persistent migraines are more than just headaches; they’re a debilitating condition that affects daily life.
  • Triggers for migraines can be unique to the Draper, UT environment. 
  • Many underlying factors contribute to migraines, including genetics, hormones, stress, sleep, diet, medication overuse, and underlying medical conditions.
  • Atlas subluxation, a misalignment of the top neck vertebra, can significantly contribute to migraines.


Understanding Persistent Migraines

Persistent migraines are more than just occasional headaches; it’s a chronic condition that has you marking 15 or more days on the calendar each month with the dreaded “M” word. The pain fluctuates, sometimes a dull ache, sometimes a blinding inferno, often accompanied by nausea, an aversion to light and sound, and a desperate yearning for relief. It’s a life lived in anticipation of the next attack, a cycle of pain and exhaustion that casts a shadow over everyday life.

But what if these migraines aren’t just a random occurrence? What if the pain is a cry for help from your body or an indicator that something may be amiss?


Common Causes of Persistent Migraines

Genetic Predisposition

If migraines seem to be an unwanted inheritance passed down through the generations of your family tree, you’re not alone. Many locals share the unfortunate legacy of this debilitating condition, suggesting that certain genes may predispose us to these agonizing attacks. 

Hormonal Changes

Ladies, we’ve all experienced those hormonal rollercoasters, especially during “that time of the month“, pregnancy, or perimenopause. It’s no secret that these fluctuations can often set off a migraine.

Stress and Anxiety

Let’s face it: life in Draper isn’t always a walk in the park (although we do have some amazing parks!). Whether it’s work deadlines, family commitments, or just the daily hustle and bustle, chronic stress can take a toll, and for many of us, that toll manifests as migraines.

Poor Sleep Quality

We all know the importance of a good night’s sleep, but it can be hard to come by between late-night Little League games and early morning commutes. Unfortunately, those sleepless nights or irregular sleep patterns can make migraines even more frequent.

Diet and Dehydration

Grabbing a quick bite at In-N-Out or a latte from Beans & Brews is a Draper staple, but processed foods, caffeine, and occasional drinks can trigger sneaky migraines. And with our dry climate, staying hydrated is crucial—even mild dehydration can set off a headache.

Medication Overuse

When a migraine hits, it’s tempting to reach for the pain relievers. But using them too often can backfire, leading to rebound headaches that make things worse.

Environmental Factors

We love our sunshine, but that bright glare reflecting off the snow can be a real pain (literally). Add in the drastic temperature swings we experience, the fragrant sagebrush in the air, and other environmental factors, and it’s no wonder many Draper residents struggle with migraines.

Underlying Medical Conditions

If you’re dealing with high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, or sleep apnea, it’s important to know that these conditions can sometimes go hand-in-hand with migraines. It would be best if you also considered looking into atlas subluxation. Unknown to many people, they have slight atlas bone misalignment after a neck or head injury. This postural issue can impact overall health and increase risks for recurring concerns like migraine headaches. Thankfully, this is where our migraine chiropractor in Draper can help you with.


Managing Persistent Migraines

Effectively managing persistent migraines involves a comprehensive approach that includes lifestyle changes, medical treatment, and addressing underlying issues such as atlas subluxation. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Regular Exercise – Engaging in regular physical activity can help reduce the frequency of migraines. Exercise helps relieve stress and promotes overall well-being. Aim for moderate exercise such as walking, swimming, or yoga.
  • Healthy Diet – Maintaining a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can help manage migraines. Avoiding known dietary triggers and staying hydrated is also crucial.
  • Stress Management – Incorporating stress-relief techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises can help manage stress and reduce migraine frequency.
  • Sleep Hygiene – Prioritize good sleep hygiene by maintaining a regular sleep schedule, creating a restful environment, and avoiding stimulants before bedtime.
  • Medication and Supplements – Consult with a healthcare provider about appropriate medications and supplements to manage migraines. Preventive medications, magnesium, riboflavin, and herbal supplements like butterbur and feverfew can be beneficial.
  • Upper Cervical Chiropractic – Consult Dr. John Cheney, a trusted Draper Chiropractor, to assess and address atlas subluxation. Correcting this misalignment can reduce the frequency and severity of migraines, improving overall health and well-being.


Relieve Persistent Headaches and Migraines with Draper UT Chiropractic Care

Persistent migraines don’t have to dictate your life. By understanding the unique challenges faced by those in our Draper community and exploring all available options, including the potential impact of atlas subluxation, you can take a proactive step toward lasting relief.

If you’re ready to break free from the grip of chronic migraines and reclaim the vibrant life you deserve, reach out to Dr. John Cheney. Our migraine chiropractor in Draper specializes in Upper Cervical Care and is dedicated to helping patients like you uncover the root cause of pain and find a path to lasting relief. 

Your journey towards a migraine-free life begins with a single step. Why not take it today? Book your consultation to learn more about Upper Cervical Care.

migraine chiropractor in Draper, Draper Chiropractor, Chiropractor in Draper Utah, Draper UT Chiropractic

FAQs: Persistent Migraines, Neck Misalignment & Upper Cervical Care in Draper, UT

Can neck problems really cause migraines?

Absolutely! Misalignment of the top vertebra in your neck called the atlas, can irritate nerves and blood vessels, leading to migraines and other symptoms. This is known as atlas subluxation.

How can a migraine chiropractor in Draper help?

Upper Cervical Care provided by our migraine chiropractor in Draper focuses on gently realigning the atlas. By correcting this misalignment, nerve function and blood flow are restored, often significantly reducing migraine frequency and intensity.

What are the signs my neck might be contributing to my migraines?

Aside from migraines, you might experience neck pain, stiffness, limited range of motion, dizziness, or even jaw pain. It would help if you also looked out for other health problems associated with atlas subluxation, such as back pain, vertigo, and fibromyalgia.

Is Draper UT Chiropractic Care safe?

Yes, Draper Upper Cervical Care is a gentle, precise, and non-invasive approach. Dr. John Cheney at Source Chiropractic and Wellness utilizes safe and effective Upper Cervical Chiropractic techniques for people of all ages.

How do I know if Upper Cervical Care in Draper UT is right for me?

The best way to find out is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Cheney. He will assess your specific situation and determine if Upper Cervical Care can help you find relief from your persistent migraines.

What can I expect during a Draper Upper Cervical Chiropractic adjustment?

Dr. Cheney will perform a thorough examination, including a detailed history and specific tests to assess your neck alignment. If a misalignment is present, our Draper Chiropractor will use gentle adjustments to correct it. You might experience immediate relief or a gradual improvement over several sessions.

Can Upper Cervical Care help even if I’ve tried other treatments for my migraines?

Yes! Many patients who haven’t found relief with medications or other therapies have experienced significant improvement with Upper Cervical Care in Draper. It’s a different approach that addresses a potential root cause of migraines that often goes overlooked.


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Cheney, call our Draper office at 385-331-7035. You can also click one of the buttons below.

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If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com