back pain relief in Draper UT, Chiropractic in Draper, Chiropractic Doctor in Draper, Chiropractic Physician in Draper

You’re hiking the trails of Corner Canyon, feeling the sun on your face and the fresh mountain air in your lungs. Or maybe you’re cheering on the Draper Hawks under the Friday night lights, the energy of the crowd buzzing around you. But a few days later, nagging lower back pain starts creeping in, putting a damper on your adventures. You might wonder, “Why now? What did I do?”

What if we told you that an old injury – maybe a concussion you shrugged off years ago – could be the unexpected culprit behind your low back pain? It might sound surprising, but there’s a hidden connection between head injuries and lower back pain that many Draper residents don’t realize.

At Source Chiropractic and Wellness, we’ve helped countless people unlock back pain relief in Draper UT, by addressing this often-overlooked link. If you’re tired of living with discomfort and want to get back to the activities you love, keep reading. We’ll uncover the science behind this connection, explain how Upper Cervical Chiropractic in Draper can offer relief, and share how you can take the first step toward a pain-free life.


Key Takeaways: The Concussion-Back Pain Connection and the Role of a Chiropractic Doctor in Draper

  • Concussions Can Cause Back Pain: A concussion’s impact doesn’t just affect your head. It can create subtle misalignments in your upper neck, setting off a chain reaction that can lead to nagging or even debilitating lower back pain.
  • Sciatica Link: That misalignment in your upper neck can pressure the sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in your body. This can trigger sciatica, a type of pain that radiates from your lower back down through your leg.
  • Atlas Alignment is Key: The top two bones in your neck, the atlas and axis, are like the foundation of your spine. Upper Cervical Chiropractic in Draper focuses on gently realigning these bones to relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve and promote healing.
  • Don’t Delay Relief: Even if your concussion happened years ago, the lingering effects can still be causing your back pain. It’s never too late to seek help from our chiropractic physician in Draper.


The Neurological Ripple Effect: Your Brain’s Unexpected Impact on Your Back

So, let’s dive deeper into the lingering effects of concussions. You may have recovered from the initial dizziness and headaches, but have you noticed any other unusual symptoms? Maybe it’s difficulty sleeping or a constant feeling of fatigue. Perhaps you’re experiencing mood swings or struggling to concentrate like you used to. And then there’s that nagging lower back pain that won’t go away.

Here’s the surprising truth: that seemingly unrelated back pain could be a delayed consequence of your past concussion. It’s not as uncommon as you might think. A concussion can set off a chain reaction within your nervous system, like a ripple effect in a pond. 

This disruption can lead to subtle changes throughout your body, including muscle tension, postural shifts, and even misalignments in your spine. These changes, while subtle at first, can gradually build up and manifest as chronic lower back pain weeks, months, or even years after the initial injury.

So, if you’ve been struggling with unexplained back pain, it’s worth considering whether a past concussion might be the hidden culprit. It’s a connection that many people overlook, but understanding it could be the key to finally finding relief.


Atlas and Axis Misalignment: The Hidden Culprit Behind Your Back Pain

So, we’ve talked about how concussions can disrupt your nervous system, but how exactly does that translate into lower back pain? It all comes down to two tiny bones at the top of your neck: the atlas and axis.

These two vertebrae are like the foundation of your spine, responsible for supporting your head and allowing for smooth, pain-free movement. But when a concussion occurs, the force of the impact can knock these bones out of alignment, even if it’s just a tiny bit.

This misalignment might seem insignificant, but it can create a domino effect throughout your spine. Imagine a stack of blocks – if the bottom block is slightly off-kilter, the whole stack becomes unstable. Similarly, when the atlas and axis are misaligned, it can throw off the balance of your entire spine.

One of the most common consequences of this misalignment is pressure on the sciatic nerve, which runs from your lower back down through your legs. This pressure can trigger sciatica, a type of pain that radiates from your lower back and can cause numbness, tingling, and weakness in your legs.

In essence, a concussion can create a chain reaction that starts in your brain, travels down your spine, and ultimately manifests as pain in your lower back. It’s a hidden connection that many people don’t realize, but understanding it is crucial for finding lasting relief.


Upper Cervical Chiropractic in Draper: Your Path to Healing and Alignment

Now that we understand how a concussion’s ripple effect can trigger lower back pain, the question becomes: How can we address this misalignment and find relief? That’s where upper cervical chiropractic care comes in.

Think of our Chiropractic Physician in Draper as a skilled engineer, meticulously adjusting the foundation of your spine to restore balance and stability. At Source Chiropractic and Wellness, Dr. Cheney specializes in this precise form of care. He focuses on realigning the atlas and axis through gentle and specific adjustments.

By restoring proper alignment to these foundational bones, Dr. Cheney can help alleviate pressure on the sciatic nerve, reduce inflammation, and promote your body’s natural healing process. It’s like gently nudging a delicate machine back into its optimal working order, allowing your body to function as it should and relieving the pain holding you back.

Upper Cervical Care is a gentle, non-invasive approach that aims to get to the root of the problem rather than simply masking the symptoms. This can be particularly beneficial for those dealing with concussion-related back pain, as it addresses the underlying misalignment that’s often the source of the discomfort.


Your Journey to Low Back Pain Relief in Draper UT Starts Today!

We understand that dealing with chronic pain can feel isolating and defeating. You’ve likely tried various treatments with little success, leaving you feeling frustrated and unsure of where to turn. But we want you to know that you’re not alone and hope for lasting relief exists.

At Source Chiropractic and Wellness in Draper, we take a different approach to providing back pain relief in Draper UT. Our chiropractic doctor listens to each patient’s unique story, understands the specific challenges, and creates a personalized plan to address the root cause of the pain, not just mask the symptoms.

We don’t just see you as a patient – we see you as a valued member of our Draper community, and we’re committed to helping you reclaim the active, pain-free life you deserve. Whether it’s getting back on the trails in Corner Canyon, enjoying a family outing to Loveland Living Planet Aquarium, or simply playing with your kids without worry, we want to help you achieve your goals.

So, if you’re tired of living with chronic pain and ready to take the first step toward lasting relief, reach out to us today. We’re here to support you on your journey to a pain-free life in Draper.

back pain relief in Draper UT, Chiropractic in Draper, Chiropractic Doctor in Draper, Chiropractic Physician in Draper

FAQs: Your Questions About Concussions and Back Pain, Answered

We understand that you might have questions about this unexpected link between concussions and back pain. Let’s address some of the most common concerns:

Can a concussion directly cause lower back pain? 

While a concussion doesn’t directly injure your lower back, it can trigger upper neck misalignments that indirectly lead to pain through nerve irritation and muscle tension. It’s a domino effect – a seemingly small disruption in your upper neck can have a ripple effect throughout your spine.

How can a chiropractor in Draper help with sciatica caused by a concussion?

Dr. Cheney specializes in correcting misalignments in the upper neck. By gently realigning the atlas and axis, he can relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve, reduce inflammation, and help you unlock back pain relief in Draper UT.

Do I need a recent concussion for this to be a problem? 

Not at all. The effects of a concussion can linger for years, even if you felt fine initially. If you’re experiencing unexplained back pain, it’s worth considering whether a past head injury might be the root cause.

What can I expect from Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care in Draper, UT? 

It’s a gentle, non-invasive approach that involves precise adjustments to the upper neck. Most people report feeling relief after just a few sessions, but the exact treatment plan will vary depending on your individual needs and the severity of your misalignment.


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Cheney, call our Draper office at 385-331-7035. You can also click one of the buttons below.

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