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For many residents of Draper, the pleasures of daily life—like hiking in the nearby mountains, enjoying a family picnic, or even a peaceful morning at home—can be overshadowed by the sudden onset of vertigo. This condition doesn’t just interrupt your routine; it can make the simplest tasks feel overwhelming. You might find yourself gripping onto furniture or needing to sit down unexpectedly, constantly wary of the next dizzy spell.

If vertigo has become a part of your life, you’ve likely tried various remedies, from medications to lifestyle changes, with little long-term success. The endless search for vertigo relief in Draper UT can be exhausting, especially when it feels like there’s no clear solution.

But what if the root cause of your vertigo is something unexpected? Could it be connected to a past injury, such as a fall or car accident you’ve almost forgotten about? Or could it be tied to your daily habits, like hours spent in poor posture? These seemingly unrelated factors might be contributing to your ongoing vertigo.

At Source Chiropractic and Wellness in Draper, we approach vertigo from a different angle. Learn more as we explore how vertigo affects your body and how your neck plays a crucial role in maintaining overall balance.


Key Insights: How a Vertigo Chiropractor in Draper UT Can Help

  • Upper Cervical Misalignment and Vertigo: Various forms of vertigo, such as BPPV, Ménière’s disease, and vestibular neuritis, can be linked to misalignment in the upper neck, particularly the atlas and axis vertebrae.
  • The Role of the Atlas and Axis: These bones at the top of your spine are essential for maintaining balance and ensuring proper communication between your brain and body. Misalignment here can disrupt this balance, leading to chronic vertigo and other issues.
  • Undiagnosed Atlas Subluxation: Often overlooked, atlas subluxation can cause persistent vertigo and other symptoms. It’s crucial to have your neck evaluated by a chiropractor for vertigo in Draper to detect potential misalignments.
  • Effective Vertigo Relief in Draper UT: At Source Chiropractic and Wellness, our team offers precise, gentle adjustments to realign the atlas and axis, providing a non-invasive solution for vertigo relief.
  • Take Action for Long-Term Relief: Don’t let atlas subluxation continue to impact your life. Schedule an assessment to see if Draper vertigo chiropractic care is right for you.


Vertigo and Its Connection To Old Head and Neck Injuries and Poor Posture

If vertigo has been a constant companion, you might have tried everything to find vertigo relief in Draper UT. But have you considered that the source could be something as simple as an old injury or your everyday posture?

While vertigo is often associated with the inner ear, it’s important to understand that it might originate in the upper cervical spine. The atlas and axis vertebrae at the base of your skull are vital to your body’s balance. Unfortunately, these bones are particularly prone to misalignment.

Even minor accidents or repetitive strain can impact the joints that hold the atlas and axis bones in place, disrupting the alignment of these vertebrae and twisting surrounding muscles and joints. Consequently, this increases tension in the neck, shoulders, and back. 

Left unresolved, the resulting imbalance can impair the flow of nerve signals and blood to your brain, leading to the dizzying symptoms of vertigo. It can also worsen conditions like Meniere’s disease or infection because atlas subluxation can impair ear fluid drainage. 

Hence, it would be wise to consider consulting with a chiropractor for vertigo in Draper to check for subluxation in the upper cervical spine and to help your body cope better with vertigo-causing conditions.


Upper Cervical Misalignment: The Underlying Cause of Various Vertigo Symptoms

Vertigo is not a standalone condition—it’s a symptom with multiple possible causes. Surprisingly, many of these causes can be traced back to issues in the upper cervical spine. Here’s how:

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)

This common cause of vertigo occurs when tiny crystals in the inner ear become dislodged, disrupting your sense of balance. A misalignment in the upper cervical spine can worsen this condition by affecting the nerves that control balance, intensifying BPPV symptoms.

Ménière’s Disease

This inner ear disorder is characterized by vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss. Misalignment in the upper cervical spine can hinder fluid drainage in the inner ear, contributing to the buildup that triggers Ménière’s disease. By correcting this misalignment, it’s possible to improve fluid circulation and reduce symptom severity.

Labyrinthitis and Vestibular Neuritis

These conditions involve inflammation in the inner ear or the nerves connecting the inner ear to the brain. Misalignment in the upper cervical vertebrae can pressure these nerves, exacerbating the inflammation and vertigo. Realigning these bones can help relieve pressure and support recovery.

Cervicogenic Vertigo

This type of vertigo originates from issues in the cervical spine itself. Misalignment in the upper cervical region can disrupt communication between the brain and body, leading to dizziness and other vertigo-like symptoms.


Find Hope with Draper Vertigo Chiropractic Care at Source Chiropractic and Wellness

At Source Chiropractic and Wellness in Draper, we understand how vertigo can take over your life. That’s why our approach targets the root cause rather than just the symptoms. Through precise, gentle adjustments to the atlas and axis vertebrae, we aim to restore proper alignment, reduce pressure on your nervous system, and help your body heal.

When you visit our office for vertigo relief in Draper, you’ll undergo a thorough evaluation to determine if your atlas or axis vertebrae are out of alignment. Our chiropractors use advanced imaging and careful assessments to identify the location and degree of the atlas and axis bone misalignment. Treatment is customized to your needs, ensuring effectiveness and comfort.

Draper vertigo chiropractic care provided by Dr. Cheney addresses these critical areas in the neck, offering a natural solution that could help you regain balance and confidence. Imagine waking up without the fear of a vertigo attack, moving through your day with ease, and finally feeling in control again.


Don’t Let Atlas Subluxation Hold You Back

For many, atlas subluxation remains a hidden issue behind not only vertigo but a range of other health problems. Left unaddressed, this misalignment can cause ongoing discomfort, unexplained symptoms, and a reduced quality of life. If you’ve been dealing with vertigo or suspect your health concerns might be linked to a misaligned neck, it’s time to take action.

Our Draper chiropractic office focuses on assessing and correcting misalignments in the upper cervical spine. Don’t let this issue continue to disrupt your life—schedule your evaluation today and experience the difference that targeted chiropractic care can make. The journey to a healthier, more stable you starts with a single step. Take it now and find long-term vertigo relief in Draper. Book your consultation today!

vertigo relief in Draper UT, Draper Chiropractic Care, chiropractor for vertigo in Draper, vertigo chiropractor in Draper, Draper vertigo chiropractic care

FAQs About Draper Chiropractic Care for Vertigo Relief

What is Draper Vertigo Chiropractic Care?

Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care at our Draper office is a specialized technique focusing on the alignment of the atlas (C1) and axis (C2) vertebrae. These bones are crucial for maintaining balance and proper nerve function. Misalignments in this area can lead to vertigo and other health concerns.

How does atlas and axis misalignment cause vertigo?

The atlas and axis vertebrae support the head and ensure the proper flow of nerve signals and blood between the brain and body. When these vertebrae are misaligned, they can disrupt this flow, leading to vertigo and balance issues. This misalignment can worsen conditions like BPPV, Ménière’s disease, and vestibular neuritis.

What conditions can Draper vertigo chiropractic care help with?

Draper chiropractic care at our practice can help with various conditions linked to upper cervical spine misalignments, including vertigo, headaches, neck pain, migraines, and other neurological issues.

What can I expect during my first visit to Source Chiropractic and Wellness?

During your first visit, our chiropractor will conduct a comprehensive evaluation, which may include advanced imaging, a medical history review, and a physical examination. Based on the findings, a personalized care plan will be developed to address your specific needs.

Is Upper Cervical Chiropractic in Draper safe?

Yes, Upper Cervical Chiropractic is a safe, gentle technique. The adjustments are precise and non-invasive, focusing on realigning the atlas and axis vertebrae, making it suitable for patients of all ages.

How quickly can I expect to experience vertigo relief in Draper?

Results vary depending on the individual and the severity of the misalignment. Some patients experience relief after just a few sessions, while others may need ongoing care to achieve lasting vertigo relief in Draper. Dr. Cheney will monitor your progress and adjust your care plan as needed.


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Cheney, call our Draper office at 385-331-7035. You can also click one of the buttons below.

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